ISBN: 9781921928444
Pages: 32
Age Level: Early Childhood 0-6 / Middle Childhood 7-12
Genre: Picture Storybook
Rating: 4 stars
Van Loon's use of descriptive language and the way she tells the story right from the start gives the impression of tension and adventure. Told simply enough that younger children will enjoy it as a read-aloud, it is sophisticated enough for middle primary school children to enjoy as well. The spacing between lines and the font (which looks like 'actual' writing) make it a book that beginning readers will be able to enjoy on their own.
I like how this is a story within a story ... the boys are actually reading about their own adventure!

What a fantastic book. As it says on the back cover this 'is a story that celebrates the pleasure of reading'. A great addition to your collection as a read-aloud, for prediction and getting kids imaginations working. Also a good exemplar to use with students for a story writing text.
I got my copy of Between the Pages from the Taradale Primary School library where I work.
You can find a copy at Napier Libraries.
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