Hello and welcome to my March 'Book Babble' :-)
I can't believe we are already a quarter of the way through the year!!!!!! Where is it going???I was looking at what books I read last month and realised that most of them were in the paranormal genre, and adult reads to boot. I thought to myself that if I was going to blog about books then I should really be more widely read, after all I DO work in a primary school, and I need to promote the books to our students. Then I remembered that I am supposed to be reading for enjoyment this year with no pressure on quantity or quality:-
And my Goodreads goal is to read 100 books - chapter, picture, non-fiction & professional development - just books. But books that I am going to savor. Books that I am going to devour. Books that I am going to treasure (and I already have a few of these lined up!). And books that I am going to remember and be able to talk about to anyone that wants to listen.
Sometimes we get into a 'groove' with our lives - no I'm not saying a 'rut'! - and our body, mind and soul craves what it craves and just wants to 'groove to its own beat'. Reading is like that for me.
I looked back over some of the 'phases' I've been going through. I've done the crime thing, I've done the realistic war thing. I've done the paranormal things ... actually I keep revisiting this one! I've done the romance thing. I've tried the literature thing but that one just really doesn't sit well with my preferences. I've done the biography thing. I'm doing the YA thing. And then I thought about the other things I was doing during these times - both personally and professionally.
When we are so busy doing things, or our minds are occupied with certain details, we need a way to escape from all this - and the way that I escape is to read ... some people play computer games, some watch TV and others go out and 'pound the pavement'. When I was studying for my Level 5 ILS Diploma all I wanted to read was 'quick & easy crap'. When I'm not so busy doing paperwork I love to get my teeth into a big 'meaty' read. Most of the time I just love to escape to other worlds or galaxies and pretend that there is more out there than just us.
Escapism. Expanding my mind. Connections. Acceptance of self. Fantasies - yeah we all have fantasies, and reading is a very safe way of entering new 'realms'. Understanding how others live. Travel. Relaxation. Excitement. Adventure. Self-healing. Understanding new situations. ....
This got me to thinking how this reflects what our children and students are reading. We so often see them coming up to issue the same books or series again and again. As a primary school librarian I am always hearing "how do I stop my child reading xxx" or teachers saying " 'Jane Doe' you need to try something different" or variations of these comments. Why???? Why should they have to read something different because an adult says so?
Honestly though ... Have you seen some of the things our students are reading? Ug!
The Daisy Meadows Rainbow Fairies series, and there is a new one ... Magic Animals. The just as prolific Geronimo Stilton books of which there is now Hero Mice and Cave Mice not to mention Thea and her sisters. Fly Guy, Zac Power, Sally Rippin's Billie B Brown and Horrid Henry are just a few of the really popular reads for our younger students.
Tom Gates, Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid are really popular with our older readers. And it's not just the boys that love this style of writing! Knife & Packer's Meet the Humansons, and new Wheelnuts series are bright and colourful and very popular. Harry Potter, 39 Clues - currently in it's 4th or 5th series, and not to forget the old and still popular Babysitter Club and Goosebumps books.
Mills & Boon / Loveswept ... my mum wouldn't let me read these but I found a way as soon as I could buy them myself. Her words if I recall - "rubbish" and "a waste of time". 'Realistic fiction' - you know ... those books about realistic life experiences of children being abandoned, 'hurt', dying, stuck in war-ravaged lands .... just heartbreaking and so sad .... and yet allowing our teens to understand that there are others in similar situations to them or worse-off situations. This realistic fiction can enable our children to find their 'voice' and ask for help if they need it.
The biggest thing these books all have in common ....... there are lots and lots and lots and lots of them for the students and children to read. They know they can find more of the same kind of book to read. They can connect with the characters, find their own sense of self in the stories and move on when they are ready and have built their confidence.
When our students are ready to move on they will. Until then let them get comfortable with what they are reading (it may be that they are coming to terms with their own situation), let them get confident enough to try something new, and be ready to offer them a variety of formats / platforms / options / suggestions so that they can choose where they want to travel next. It may not be our 'cup of tea', but it is their choice.
And in other news this month ...
- HBPubrarians has had it's second catch-up, this time in Hastings - a time for a casual chat among librarians from all walks of life.
- Hawkes Bay Book Talk is having its first gathering for the year tonight, hosted by Gail at Parkvale School. This is a book club for librarians (not just school librarians) where we can promote the amazing, fantastic, awesome books that pass through our reading piles. See our blog for reviews, suggestions and dates for our 2016 gatherings.
So here is WIBR this month ....... Allrighty so this time I'm trying sorting them in alpha order AND by age category. Gotta try thinking outside the square and come up with the process that works best. Definitely typing my notes up as I read/finish a book is the easiest tho :) #cleverthinking
NOTE: ** Denotes sexual content (school librarians use your discretion)
An Elephant & Piggie Book : Should I Share My Ice Cream? / Mo Willems [Paperback]
Picture Book 0-6
I really love Mo Willems' books. They make great read-alouds and are awesome to share with a buddy. Because the story is told in speech bubbles it is easy to read as one character each.
Particularly love this story as Elephant is having a conversation with himself as to whether his friend Piggie would also like an icecream or whether he should share. You can just see what's going to happen to the icecream as it slowly drips more and more in each image. I was drawn to keep reading faster and faster ... after all it's not a slow process when your thoughts are flying through your head.
4 stars
Picture Book 0-6
This was my favourite pick in week 6 of all the books I had on display.
It's told in speech bubbles (similar to the Elaphant & Piggie books) and is great for two of you to read together - one can be Bear and one can be Duck.
Poor Bear is sooooo tired. All he wants to do is sleep.
Duck however is WIDE awake!!! And he wants to do stuff with bear. It's quite hilarious to see where he pops up next.
OMG what an annoying neighbour!!! I can think of a few people that have been like him during my lifetime - and yes ... I'm Bear!!!!
A fabulous read-aloud.
How Many Legs? / Kes Gray [Paperback]
3 stars
Picture Book 0-6
This is a bright and colourful counting book with a difference. Try counting and adding the legs of all the different creatures on each page. Trickier than it looks.
I Yam A Donkey! / Cece Bell [Paperback]
5 stars
Picture Book 0-6
What a fantastically ridiculous read-aloud!
A Yam tries to teach a Donkey about correct grammar. I am so not going to spoil the surprise by telling you any more! You really truly HAVE to get a copy of this for your libraries!!! Just DO IT!!!
Thanks to Kristen Clothier at our first HBPubrarians catch-up last month for recommending this one to us. I was surprised when it arrived from Wardini Books the next week in a consignment for me to check out for school. I snapped it up as quick as can be when I saw it!!!
Picture Book 0-6
This is a bright and colourful counting book with a difference. Try counting and adding the legs of all the different creatures on each page. Trickier than it looks.

5 stars
Picture Book 0-6
What a fantastically ridiculous read-aloud!
A Yam tries to teach a Donkey about correct grammar. I am so not going to spoil the surprise by telling you any more! You really truly HAVE to get a copy of this for your libraries!!! Just DO IT!!!
Thanks to Kristen Clothier at our first HBPubrarians catch-up last month for recommending this one to us. I was surprised when it arrived from Wardini Books the next week in a consignment for me to check out for school. I snapped it up as quick as can be when I saw it!!!
Star of Deltora Bk1 Shadows of the Master [Paperback]
0 stars
Children 7-12. Fantasy. DNF.
This is a new series set in the same world as Deltora Quest and the Three Doors Trilogy.
Unfortunately I just couldn't get into this book even though I am a huge fan of the other two series. Hence I did not finish it :-(
Storm Horse / Nick Garlick [Paperback]
0 stars
Children 7-12. Fantasy. DNF.
This is a new series set in the same world as Deltora Quest and the Three Doors Trilogy.
Unfortunately I just couldn't get into this book even though I am a huge fan of the other two series. Hence I did not finish it :-(
Storm Horse / Nick Garlick [Paperback]
4 stars
Children 7-12. Animal stories. Coming of Age.
What a truly lovely story.
Children 7-12. Animal stories. Coming of Age.
What a truly lovely story.
Set in a remote Dutch island this is a coming-of-age story about a young boy recently orphaned.
When I read the blurb it seemed like a modern take on 'The Black Stallion'. Ya know ... ship wreck, boy rescues horse, horse rescues boy, friendships are formed and bonds of family are strengthened. Actually that pretty much sums up this story too ... but it is so much more.
A must read for horse lovers, those that enjoy good prevailing over evil (otherwise known as bullies), and those that like coming-of-age stories with strong characters. Aside from the bullies this is a good clean really enjoyable read.
Running Girl / Simon Mason [Paperback]
4 stars
4 stars
YA. Crime.
An interesting read with lots of twists and turns in the plot. Crime, maths, and not-so-good every-day kind of people. It's got quite a few interviews throughout which gives it a 'first person' feel.
Strong male characters. It's great to read a novel where the main characters are not the normal 'white male'.
It has quite a slow start ... kind of like Garvie himself ... and then as more information about the murder comes to light and Garvie gets involved the story starts to get more 'energy', just like Garvie when a puzzle catches his attention.
Very keen to read the next one when it comes out.
Shifter Squad Bk9 Hell Spawn** / J.C. Diem [eBook]
5 Star
YA. Paranormal.
What a really great read for the final (???) book in the series. All the hardship and training that Lexi has been through in her life stands her on good stead for the trials & tribulations that are set to face her and her friends as the end of the world draws near. An exciting read.
There is only one sex scene towards the end of the book. Fathers and other supernatural creatures with super-hearing would definitely put a crimp in anyone's sex-life.
The Dream Engine Volume 1 / Sean Platt & Johnny B Truant [eBook]
3 stars
YA. Steampunk. Adventure.
A very interesting read. Not sure if I want to read the next one -The Nightmare Factory ... at least not at this stage when I have so many other books to choose from.
Even though the main character is only 15 years old, this reads like a sophisticated YA novel rather than a younger YA read.
Set in a world where everyone takes a tablet to stop them from dreaming and therefore going insane, Eila Doyle is employed by the Ministry of Manifestations to build things she sees in her mind. Eila is different from everyone else as she does dream and in her imagination she sees a boy tempting her to find him.
When she decides to listen to what her imagination is telling her she finds that her world is not what everyone has been led to believe, that there is another city below their own and that the mist surrounding her city is filled with monsters that imagination has brought to life!

Even though the main character is only 15 years old, this reads like a sophisticated YA novel rather than a younger YA read.
Set in a world where everyone takes a tablet to stop them from dreaming and therefore going insane, Eila Doyle is employed by the Ministry of Manifestations to build things she sees in her mind. Eila is different from everyone else as she does dream and in her imagination she sees a boy tempting her to find him.
When she decides to listen to what her imagination is telling her she finds that her world is not what everyone has been led to believe, that there is another city below their own and that the mist surrounding her city is filled with monsters that imagination has brought to life!

Country Calendar : Homestead Baking / Allyson Gofton [Paperback]
5 stars
Adult. Non-Fiction. Cook Book.
This is so much more than just a cook book! The stories of the family with some of the history of their homestead are just a joy to read. And the Recipes .... Mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm! Good old-fashioned style basic divine baking! A delight to read and a fantastic idea for a gift.
Oh and the food is truly scrummy. First weekend and three dishes made. Mmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm! Especially the golden syrupie goodness of Ethel's Gingerbread!
Dark Bk29 Dark Promise** / Christine Feehan [eBook]
Oh and the food is truly scrummy. First weekend and three dishes made. Mmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm! Especially the golden syrupie goodness of Ethel's Gingerbread!
Dark Bk29 Dark Promise** / Christine Feehan [eBook]
4 stars
Adult. Paranormal.
* Warning : bit of a Christine Feehan fan here :-) *
This was a another great read in the Dark series. It follows two sets of lifemates - Gabriella who was turned to save her life a number of years ago, but who has yet to embrace her Carpathian life. And Trixie, a grandmother who came to the Carpathian Mountains searching for her granddaughter.
I know, you think "a grandmother, really!" But actually I'm really pleased that there is an older woman. Honestly, why would a Carpathian male who has lived for hundreds, if not thousands of years, want a young innocent woman who has not had any life experience! Trixie is a strong woman in her 50s who has raised a daughter & 4 granddaughters and done everything she can to make sure they have the best life possible. Who said innocence must be a 'state of body' ... it is more a case of the sole being innocent, and Trixie may have lived a long life but she has a very innocent soul.
The only thing I found disappointing was that the main focus of this book was on the budding relationship (read 'sex') of the two sets of lifemates. I would have loved to have seen more of the fight between the Carpathians and the Vampires & their puppets.
Mercy Thompson Bk9 Fire Touched / Patricia Briggs [eBook]
5 stars
Adult. Paranormal.
Awesome read. This is a fantastic paranormal series. There is a good storyline, Mercy is a strong character, there is lots of monsters and yummy werewolves. And there is little to no sex in these books - see it's really not necessary for a fabulous paranormal read to involve sex!!!
It does pay to read these in order, however in saying that you can quite easily read them as a stand-alone novel. You may just miss some of the deeper nuances from previous books.
Riley Adamson Bk8.5 Stitched / Shannon Mayer [eBook]
4 stars
Riley Adamson Bk9 Rising Darkness
4 stars
Riley Adamson Bk10 Blood of the Lost
5 Stars
Adult. Paranormal.
The final three books in this exciting series. Riley Adamson is a Tracker - she can track the threads of a person and know where they are. She used to use this skill for finding lost children. Now however she is the prophesied savior and has to save the world from the demons!
Along with her family, friends and not-so-friends (a mixed bag of creatures she has met during her life) Riley must do her best to ensure that Orion - the biggest & baddest overlord of all - and his minions do not get the chance to take over the world!
You do need to read this series in order, however it really does help to follow all the threads.
Along with her family, friends and not-so-friends (a mixed bag of creatures she has met during her life) Riley must do her best to ensure that Orion - the biggest & baddest overlord of all - and his minions do not get the chance to take over the world!
You do need to read this series in order, however it really does help to follow all the threads.
Warning ... The final book is a doozy! Have tissues at the ready!
Shoegasm : An Explosion of Cutting-Edge Design / Clare Anthony [Hardback]
5 stars
Adult. Non-fiction.
Shoes! Shoes! Spectacular Shoes!
OMG drool!!!!! This book is just a feast for the eyes ... well for those of us that love shoes.
I was in Wellington mid-March and just happened to pop into Arty Bees bookshops after dinner and this and a number of other books were just begging to be taken home. It was open very late night on a Saturday - my wallet got a good work-out that night :-)
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