ISBN: 9781760110956
Pages: 68
Age Level: Early Childhood 0-6 / Middle Childhood 7-12
Genre: Picture Book
Rating: 5 stars

Mix It Up! was originally published in France, by Bayard Editions, with the title Couleurs. It was published in the same year in English by Allen & Unwin. It has a board-book cover, and stitched and glued pages, which makes it robust and able to handle the use it will undoubtedly get.
At its heart this is an instruction manual on how to mix colours. But it is so much more than that. It is interactive. It is fun. It gets kids thinking "What if?" What if you mix this colour with that colour? What if you smash two pages together with wet paint on them? It starts children on the track of creativity and exploration.

This is a seriously awesome book to add to your collection. It is a fun & interactive read, AND it teaches children about colours. I can guarantee that the adults reading it will HAVE TO do all the actions it sais, AND they will have sooooooo much fun. I dare you to read this and NOT do what it tells you!!! Our year 5's & 6's are the ones that have been getting the most fun out of his book Press Here. You don't have to be a little kid to enjoy Tullet.
See you. I'm off to play the game of eyes again. #Hooked
I got my copy of Mix It Up! from the Taradale Primary School library where I work.
You can find a copy at Napier Libraries.
You can check out more reviews of Mix It Up! on Goodreads.
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