Rhodes, J., & Paul, K. (2013). The Very Noisy House. London, UK: Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
ISBN: 9781847805348
Pages: 32
Age Level: Early Childhood 0-6
Genre: Picture Storybook
Rating: 4 stars
Clomp! Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!
goes the old lady's stick, which makes the dog upstairs go
which causes the cat to go
which wakes the baby -
Can anything make it quiet again?
First time published author, Julie Rhodes, was inspired to write this story about her very own very noisy house by her dog, Archie, who is always barking and running about.
As you read through this book, each noise leads onto the next one, slowly escalating in level until the old lady gets so sick of it all she decides to sit down and knit. As her clomping stops, slowly, so do all the other noises, until there is a nice peaceful house at last. But how long will it last?
There is a lot a repetition in this story, and you can have great fun with the sound effects as you read it aloud. Actually it would be a really great (& noisy) idea to assign different children to make the sounds as you read through. It would make for a great group read. Its simplicity would also make it a great book for students to read aloud to the rest of the class.

The illustrations work so well replicating the text that younger children could actually tell this story by the illustrations alone. Personally I find the illustrations too 'noisy' myself - I think it's all the text noise. Each page is just so busy!
I do like Paul's attention to detail. Each time you turn the page, the rooms change. You can spend simply ages just looking at the rooms to see where each character is, especially the little old lady (who I'm sure is a witch!) as she walks around her floor. And keep your eye on the illustrations on her desk (desks?). Very clever!
The illustrations initially reminded me a bit of Winnie the Witch which is quite popular at school. They should. Korky Paul illustrated that awesome series as well!
Oh! One other thing about this noisy book. You have to read the whole thing on it's side and flip the pages UP not to the left. It's really quite cool!! But honestly, how else would you be able to fit such a tall house on the pages of a book. Think about it! It just makes so much sense :-)
The front and end papers have been illustrated by primary school children and add a nice touch to the book.
This is a delightfully noisy read for young children and provides lots of opportunities for them to join in as you read. It would make a great read-aloud for library or class time.
I got my copy of The Very Noisy House from the Taradale Primary School library where I work.
You can find a copy at Napier Libraries.