Hello and welcome to my May 'Book Babble' :-)
I can't believe we are already a quarter of the way through the year!!!!!! Where is it going???
May the 4th (Star Wars day) was so much fun. I only found out about this AMAZING day last year when my sons wished me "May the forth be with you". I thought they were lisping and had nooooo idea what they were on about. Hello!!!! ... I must have been hiding under a rock!!!
Of course this year when I decided to dress up for the day they thought I was weird. I offered to drop them off at NBHS but they weren't keen for some reason :-o And do you know how hard it was to find a red light-saber????? Green would have just looked so wrong ... besides it made the most silly 'crashing glass' sound. And FYI ... glasses and masks just don't work!
Of course this year when I decided to dress up for the day they thought I was weird. I offered to drop them off at NBHS but they weren't keen for some reason :-o And do you know how hard it was to find a red light-saber????? Green would have just looked so wrong ... besides it made the most silly 'crashing glass' sound. And FYI ... glasses and masks just don't work!
AnyHoo in other news this month ...
- HBPubrarians has had it's fourth catch-up, back in Napier, at The Emporium. It's so awesome to be able to catch up with fellow librarians across the different sectors and chat about all sorts of things. Great to meet some new faces - welcome to the Hawkes Bay Ngaio Blackwood, and congratulations on your new role as Flaxmere's C&YA Librarian Sas :-)
So here is WIBR this month .......
NOTE: ** Denotes sexual content (school librarians use your discretion)
4 stars
Take Away the A / Michael Escoffier & Kris Di Giacomo [Paperback]
Picture Book 0-6. New Zealand Author.
This is a gorgeous story about a little old tractor that has been left to rust in the paddock. She watches the shiny new tractor and longs to be useful again. And when a young boy and his uncle take her in hand she finds out that dreams can come true.
It is a heart-warming story about having someone believe in you, and that even though you are old (& not so pretty any more) you can still be useful.
The illustrations by Helen Kerridge are just as beautiful. They really add to the feeling of the story.
Picture Book 0-6 / 7-12yrs. Non-Fiction Narrative.
It is a heart-warming story about having someone believe in you, and that even though you are old (& not so pretty any more) you can still be useful.
The illustrations by Helen Kerridge are just as beautiful. They really add to the feeling of the story.
Ivan The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla / Katherine Applegate & G. Brian Karas [Hardback]
5 starsPicture Book 0-6 / 7-12yrs. Non-Fiction Narrative.
This is a simple retelling of Ivan, the Shopping Mall Gorilla. It has been told in such a way that young children can understand about his life from being captured as a baby, his life in the shopping mall to attract customers, and later his home at Zoo Atlanta.
There are photos of Ivan in the back and further information about the life of this amazing gorilla who passed away at the age of 50 in 2012.
There are photos of Ivan in the back and further information about the life of this amazing gorilla who passed away at the age of 50 in 2012.
5 stars
Picture Book 0-6 / 7-12yrs.
This alphabet book is just totally freaking AMAZING!
It's not just an alphabet book. It also shows children that by taking away just one letter they can make a completely new word.
The illustrations in this book are, IMHO, what makes the book! Yes the alphabet sentences are really good, but without the illustrations it would just be a 'word play' book. Many of the images are of nursery rhymes you will be familiar with.
Kris Di Giacomo's illustrations are not bright, bold and in-you-face. They are muted, antiqued, and subtle. They also show just how colourful muted illustrations can really be. You just have to check it out for yourselves to see the #Awesomeness that can be achieved.
This would make a great lead-in to getting students to write their own alphabet book. You could theme it quite easily to whatever topic you are studying at school.
Teacup / Rebecca Young & Matt Ottley [Hardback]
5 stars
Picture Book 0-6 / 7-12yrs.
This is just THE MOST stunning picture book. The illustrations are so amazing and mood provoking. Some of them look like you could just reach out and touch the wet oil painting that has just been finished.
There is not much text in the story, but what there is is poignant and beautifully descriptive.
It tells the story of a young refugee boy who has to leave home. The only things he carries in his pack are a book, a bottle and a blanket. He also has a teacup with soil from where he used to play. The simple story tells of the hardships he endures in his search for a new homeland.
Just remembering the story gives me chills. Both the language used and the illustrations are simply beautiful.

The illustrations in this book are, IMHO, what makes the book! Yes the alphabet sentences are really good, but without the illustrations it would just be a 'word play' book. Many of the images are of nursery rhymes you will be familiar with.
Kris Di Giacomo's illustrations are not bright, bold and in-you-face. They are muted, antiqued, and subtle. They also show just how colourful muted illustrations can really be. You just have to check it out for yourselves to see the #Awesomeness that can be achieved.
This would make a great lead-in to getting students to write their own alphabet book. You could theme it quite easily to whatever topic you are studying at school.
Teacup / Rebecca Young & Matt Ottley [Hardback]
5 stars
Picture Book 0-6 / 7-12yrs.

There is not much text in the story, but what there is is poignant and beautifully descriptive.
It tells the story of a young refugee boy who has to leave home. The only things he carries in his pack are a book, a bottle and a blanket. He also has a teacup with soil from where he used to play. The simple story tells of the hardships he endures in his search for a new homeland.
Just remembering the story gives me chills. Both the language used and the illustrations are simply beautiful.
The Numberlys / William Joyce & Christina Ellis [Hardback]
4 stars
Another alphabet book that I fell in love with this month. Once again, IMHO, the illustrations really make this book. And the fact that you actually read it 'portrait' not 'landscape' (with a few twists and turns) like you may think when you look at the cover makes it a really fun read.
The Numberlys live in a dull, boring, orderly world full of numbers. There are no words for anything. Even food, well gloop really, is called a number. There is no such thing as an alphabet. Until 5 friends decide they need something different.
So they embark on a quest to change things. Using what they have - numbers - they start mixing and matching, chopping and changing, until they come up with something truly wondrous!
You may be familiar with another wonderful book by this pair ... The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.
Underland / Chandra Hahn [eBook]
Picture Book 0-6 / 7-12yrs

The Numberlys live in a dull, boring, orderly world full of numbers. There are no words for anything. Even food, well gloop really, is called a number. There is no such thing as an alphabet. Until 5 friends decide they need something different.
So they embark on a quest to change things. Using what they have - numbers - they start mixing and matching, chopping and changing, until they come up with something truly wondrous!
You may be familiar with another wonderful book by this pair ... The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.
Underland / Chandra Hahn [eBook]
5 stars
YA. Paranormal. Dystopian.
Wow! Awesome awesome read.
The Gods & all the monsters live underground, having been forgotten by man. To keep their lives interesting they hold epic fight-to-the-death competitions in a mix of Olympic and Greek games. Did I mention they were to the death!!!!!
Lira is kidnapped from her shelter and taken down-under, where humans are thought of as food. But she is more than the monsters expected.
Noooooo. Please tell me it's a series. It has such a cliffhanger ending it can't be anything but. BUT it's only just been published so I'm going to have to wait for FOREVER before the next installment comes out. Whyyyyyyyyy??????
Coalition Rebellion Bk2.5 The Kingbird / Justine Davis [eBook]
3 stars
Adult. Sci-Fantasy.
A short story (53 pages) bridging the gap between the original series and the final book in the chapter - Lyon & Shaina's story.
I am definitely going to dig out my copies (yes I have kept the 1994/1995 original editions - they were my favourite series back than and no way was I getting rid of them) and re-visit their stories before continuing with the final book in the series.
Coalition Rebellion Bk1 Lord of the Storm / Justine Davis [Paperback - my own original copy 1994]
4 stars
Adult. Sci-Fantasy. Romance.
Yep! Just as good as I remember it :-D
I recall that I actually started this series with Bk2 in 1995 and was only able to source Bk1 through Amazon as a second hand copy which, after shipping and the conversion rate, ended costing me over $100 NZD. Remember this was over 20yrs ago so pre-children and I had a decent paying job! Would I make that same decision now? Actually, probably Yes - IF I was in the same situation. Of course if I had my children and was working in a not-so-well-paid job then I'd very likely have to say - No! The biggest drawback would be the cost, not the sourcing of the book. Of course now-a-days I could get it as an eBook so ... Yes I would still buy it :-D
Looking at my bookshelves I have a number of Justine Davis / Dare's books. I'ma gonna hava ta read them all again - yippee!!!!!
Coalition Rebellion Bk2 The Skypirate** / Justine Davis [Paperback - my own original copy 1995]
5 stars
Adult. Sci-Fantasy. Romance.
This!!! This is the book that got me hooked all those years ago on the Sci-Fantasy / Paranormal reading journey I have been on.
This was the first book in the series that I actually read. It is really well written. Romance. With a really strong storyline. Great character depth & growth. Good vs evil. Strength of character in understanding right from wrong - regardless of what you have been led to believe / taught. The little guys / downtrodden overcoming the might & power of the almighty Coalition / oppressors.
Coalition Rebellion Bk3 Rebel Prince** / Justine Davis [eBook]
3 stars
Adult. Sci-Fantasy. Romance.
The final book in the series, published 20 years after the original books. It is a big read.
The excitement doesn't ramp up till over halfway through. The story of Lyon & Shaina's trip up the mountain and their changing relationship takes up much of the book, and although not really action packed it's great to get the back-story and understand their relationship. And interspersing their story is that of Rina and the long-thought-dead Tark.
A great way to finish off the series.
After I had read this book I jumped over to Goodreads to update my status, and check out other peoples comments (I tend to check these out AFTER I've read as some of them can be quite off-putting and I like to form my own opinion). Susan made a really good comment regarding how this final book in the series just didn't quite jell with the original two books, and it made me sit back and think about this in relation to many of the other books I have been reading. Our tastes have changed in the 20 years since this series first came out, readers 'needs' are quite different (especially after romance like 50 Shades of Grey have been so popular) and we ourselves have grown older (& maybe wiser!?!?). Readers perceptions of what makes a good book, and how far those boundaries can be pushed have certainly changed as well. Check out Susan's Goodreads review, it is really thought-provoking.
Dragons, Griffons and Centaurs, Oh My! / Margaret Taylor [eBook]
Bk1 To Light the Dragon's Fire
Bk2 To Save the Broken Heart**
Bk3 To Free the Dragon's Soul
To Win the Guarded Heart
3-4 stars
Bk2 To Save the Broken Heart**
Bk3 To Free the Dragon's Soul
To Win the Guarded Heart
3-4 stars
Adult. Paranormal.
This is a series about Dragons, Griffons, Centaurs and all manner of other mythical creatures set in a hidden land that is accessed through portals, in a futuristic Earth.
Terra and her twin sister Lani are hiking in the wilderness in a last-escape before Terra's marriage to save her family company. Whilst investigating a cave they stumble through a portal into a world on the brink of war. It just so happens that is full of monsters and creatures thought to be myth.
What a refreshing read. There are no vampires or zombies, just good old-fashioned mythical creatures. A nice twist on our belief that Unicorns are magical and good - they certainly aren't in this series! Well they are still magical. I particularly like the underlying theme of 'not judging a book by its cover' ... just because something looks monsterous and scary doesn't mean it is evil. Lots of interesting relationships (not just the romantic kind) and the character growth is ever-evolving. There are some good strong female characters - they are not weak-willed and all 'oh save me from the monsters'! Oh and of course there are the romances - lots of surprising matches :-)
Oh my freaking God! You have GOT to be kidding me! I thought this was a four-book series. I've just got to the end and it's 'The End ... For Now'. Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!! But actually, Yay, 'cause I'm really enjoying the storyline and characters.
The Colour of Tea / Hannah Tunnicliffe [eBook]
This read wasn't my 'cup of tea' (yup, purposeful play on words there). It was verging on 'lit' for me. Descriptive, well written and great characterisation. It was a lovely story. (And as you can see from most of my reading material, I don't really do 'lovely' :-o )
The Colour of Tea / Hannah Tunnicliffe [eBook]
3 stars
Adult. Contemporary. New Zealand Author.
Tea & macrons, friendships and marriage, letters to long-dead mothers, and the healing process of a young woman who desperately wants children but can't. Set in Macau.
This read wasn't my 'cup of tea' (yup, purposeful play on words there). It was verging on 'lit' for me. Descriptive, well written and great characterisation. It was a lovely story. (And as you can see from most of my reading material, I don't really do 'lovely' :-o )
The Tarot Witches Bk1 Caged Wolf** / S.M. Rein [eBook]
3 stars
3 stars
Adult. Paranormal.
This is a short'ish story (200 pages). Mmmmmm Interresting?!?! Definitely different!!!!
"The Tarot Witches is a dark, sexy paranormal series about a mysterious tarot deck and the havoc it wreaks on the lives of the witches whose paths cross with it."
Definitely Dark. Definitely an adult read.
"The Tarot Witches is a dark, sexy paranormal series about a mysterious tarot deck and the havoc it wreaks on the lives of the witches whose paths cross with it."
Definitely Dark. Definitely an adult read.
War of the Alphas Bk1 Omega / S.M. Rein [eBook]
3 stars
Adult. Paranormal.
10 years ago the world changed. Everyone died. And those that came back were changed. Shapeshifters, Vampires, Demons and all manner of other supernatural creatures. Deidre Tombs was one of those who died and became a shapeshifter - unfortunately she can't change, making her an Omega - the weakest of shapeshifters. However she also can't be forced to do what the Alpha's say like all other shapeshifters. And this is what Rylie Gresham is hoping will help her win the Alpha War against Everton Stark.
This is the first book in a spin-off series to SM Rein's Ascension series featuring Elise Kavanagh and Rylie Gresham.
It is OK. It's not as great as the Descent and Ascension series. I do like how Rein links characters from her other series together giving more depth to her stories. I don't know if I enjoyed it enough to read the next books in the series (yet)!?!?