Low and behold, I have unintentionally read quite a few of the books he has illustrated - many of which are in the TPS library where I am the librarian. (p.s. School librarian is the most awesome job around!!!)
He has illustrated books by (to name a few):
Margaret Mahy
Kyle Mewburn
Brian Falkner
Yvonne Morrison (whom I worked with at Onekawa Primary - she is a great school teacher, a 'kool' author, and a fantastic dance instructor!)
Barry Crump
Marc Ellis & Charlie Haddrell
Lucy Davey
Some of the books he has worked on (also only to name a few) are:
Monkey Boy
The Three Bears: Sort Of
The Weather Machine
Dashing Dog
The Looky Book
Dinosaur Rescue series
Mr. Tanglewood and the Pungapeople
... (like and EVEREADY battery, the list just keeps going on and on and on .... Yay!)
I will most certainly be re-reading our selection of his books when I get back to school and savoring his artistic talent. I'm also going to try and get my hands on some of the books he wrote (I already have the wickedly amazing Monkey Boy).
For more information check out Donovan Bixley's official website, or jump onto the Booknotes Unbound - Writers page and read his article.