Thanks to our fellow 72276 class-mate Nikki for recommending this Quiz.
New York Public Library has come up with the ultimate quiz to help you determine which children's book character best describes you. Are you game to find out who you really are??
Just go to the NYPLs What Children's Book Character Are You? page.
Funnily enough Pippi Longstockings was my favourite book growing up, because she is independent, eccentric and happy to be herself ... AND she is friends with a horse and a monkey! My results for the quiz are sooooo me :-)
You're Pippi Longstocking! Passionate and headstrong, you always have to get your way. You always want to have a child's sense of fun... and maybe get into a little bit of mischief, too. You're also incredibly, frighteningly strong. You go, girl.
One of the resources included in our 72276 course was Mem Fox's Ten read-aloud commandments. These make so much sense and are not in the least hard to follow.
And hey ... it's not just pre-schoolers and primary age kids that enjoy being read aloud to. Don't forget your tweens and teens! And what about your partner or parents? I know I'd be really pleased if someone chose to read aloud to me every so often - well ... as long as they did it with expression and animation ;-)
Check out her amazing website. There are links for everyone: from children to parents, writers to teachers. There are even three different books being read-aloud each month - AWESOME!
Ellison, K.A. (2014). Of Sea and Stone: Secrets of Itlantis #1 [electronic resource]. Atlanta, GA: Author.
Pages: 260
Age Level: YA 12-18
Genre: Sci-Fantasy
Rating: 4 stars

I received a copy of 'Of Sea and Stone' from LibraryThing to review.
This is a great new YA series from Kate Ellison set in the underwater world of Itlantis. It is well written with great character development and many twists and turns in the plot. It is an interesting and engaging read, and I look forward to book 2.
Aemi is a slave in the Village of the Rocks, good at fishing and very handy with a spear. The mayor's son, Nol, is her Nemesis. One night their village is attacked and Aemi, Nol and a number of other villagers are taken captive. Aemi and Nol end up as indentured servants in the same household, and Aemi is planning her escape right from the start. Friendships are formed with the master and his daughter.
On the eve of their departure to the city of Primus (and planned escape), the city of Celustrus is attacked, supposedly, by their enemies the Dron, and Nol is not found amongst the survivors. It is up to Aemi and the master to uncover the truth behind the attack.
Check out other reviews of 'Of Sea and Stone' on Goodreads.
I'm going to be including full bibliographic details at the start of my reviews in APA format ('cause that's what's required for my OP paper). I'm also going to be including other information I think is relevant to viewers like the ISBN or ASIN #, book length, and intended reading age, rating (out of 5), along with an image or two whenever possible.
Reviews will be separated into four categories (at this stage): Fiction Reviews, Non-fiction Reviews, New Zealand Literature Reviews, and my #365PictureBooks challenge reviews. Of course some of them may very well cross-contaminate :-) and a few adult books my slip in there sometimes.
Reading levels will be:
- 0-6 years: Early Childhood / Babies & Toddlers
- 7-12 years: Middle Childhood
- 12-18 years: Young Adults (YA) / Adolescence
For those of you unsure what an ISBN or AISN is:
- An ISBN is the International Standard Book Number, which is a unique commercial book identifier barcode, either 10 or 13 digits, generally printed on the back cover of a book.
- An ASIN is Amazon's Standard Identification Number, in unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers, that identifies the item. I'll likely be using this number for the majority of eBooks.
Oh Yeah..... I love books in whatever format they come in, so I will be reviewing any and all kinds of books. I love the tactility and scent of a physical book, but eBooks are so much more accessible after hours, and they don't need a suitcase of their own whenever I go on holiday like they used to.
I have accepted a challenge to read and review a Picture Book a day during 2015 … That’s 365 Picture Books! Thanks @lucylibs & @megingle for the challenge. We can rock this @StephEllisNZ & @alidevnz!!!!!
The inspiration for this challenge came from myfriendlucy.
I'm sure by the end of the challenge I will have reviewing books down to a fine art.
Let operation #365PictureBooks commence!!!